It's a Part of Life

It was one of those days again when all of my hidden feelings I keep stuffed down in my soul began to rise to the surface. Emotions and wounds from my family, soon-to-be-family, bills, etc. And this decides to happen at my work place!! So in the middle of dusting display shelves I started walking in doubt and fear and bitterness.

I'm just now learning to take every thought into captivity and put it under the leadership of Jesus Christ. Those little bugger-thoughts found their way into my heart and I started meditating on them.

Anyway, to make a long and emotional story short, when I finally caught myself and realized the negative effect it was having on me and my work attitude, I started praying and asking the Lord what He felt of me, my situations and my feelings. I mentally began to pour my heart out and told Him EVERYTHING, especially the fact I didn't think I was going to be able to make it through anymore--I just wanted to give up on everything in someway or another.

And believe it or not, as a response, He gave me this song I hadn't thought of or listened to in over five years. It was so old, I barely remembered the simple lyrics; all I did know was that it was a beautiful, peaceful song I used to listen to at 16--and it always reminded me of God.

I looked it up when I got home a little while ago. ALL of the words equate the way I've been feeling in almost every way. So I decided to post it and hope it encourages ya'll as it has helped in soothing me.

Chase the Hummingbirds,


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