Perfect Only in Imperfection...Again

I've been talking a lot about imperfect and perfect lately; possibly because it's something that has been on my heart and a subject God has been dealing with me on for about a year now.

In a previous post with a similar title, I touched on my overcoming to the addiction of perfectionism and the drug of man-praise. I also talked a bit about how the Christian community demands so much perfection and the secular world craves it.

So I'm going to talk about the latter for a little moment. The thing that sparked this interest was a yahoo article concerning photo shop.

I'm not going to talk about this subject much; it pretty much speaks for itself--we all know Hollywood hides and thrives behind the mask of perfect. So I will begin my post by saying how excited I am that many stars are starting to speak out against it. One person in particular, who I'm not a fan of but admire for this alone, is Kim Kardashian when people criticized an un-fixed picture of cellulite on her legs.

"I don't have a problem telling people, 'Hey, look, I have cellulite!'"

I'm encouraged especially since I happen to be one of those curvy girls with a lot of hail damage in her upper thighs. *there, I said it!* For years I can remember looking in the mirror and despising certain areas of my body I wanted toned or larger or whatever.

It is hard to undo that 20+ years of thinking; but I'm on the journey and it appears that other people--especially in Hollywood--are starting to get angry with the demands of PERFECTION constantly shoved down their throats too!

That's really all I have to say on the matter since, as I already state, the topic speaks for itself. I've never met anyone who was 100% happy with themselves--some have it worse then others. So here is a word of wisdom to anyone suffering with the syndrome of perfectionism, ESPECIALLY if it's physical perfection:

STOP IT!! YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! Whether you have cellulited curves, 1inch-round waist, big teeth, little teeth, huge boobs or tinie ta-tas--YOU'RE GORGEOUS! And if you're a guy with broad shoulder and pudgy belly or a butt so skinny your belt can't even keep your pants up--CHILL OUT! Stop eying those parts of you you can't change every time you look in the mirror and learn to love them. They make you who you are! They are unique features that create the beautiful essence of who you are. Whether you're a strawberry blond like my fiance or wanna-be blond like me, You.Are.Gorgeous!

To the Christians, the Bible says you are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made. Find out how that applies to you and speak life and love, not death and hatred over your body. You will begin to see results in the perspective you have of yourself overtime--I guarantee it.
Thus, I leave you with a song I used to listen and cry to as a 17-year-old-teenager. It holds many truths for perfectionism; don't let striving for the unattainable destroy the happiness of life's little moments. Recognize your worth and beauty in being differant and imperfect.

Use a Brown Paper Bag,


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