
This post is actually a re-cap about yesterday, since most of it took place then, and a small synopsis of what went down today.

We have 108 days until the big day so I am starting to feel a bit of pressure to get things together quickly. Because of our current circumstances, and God blessed us with a decorator, I need to make some inspiration sheets for them to look at. While is is a HUGE blessing, it is also a bit of a pressure on me. I am always so nervous I won't be able to articulate what I want to say or desire to see at the wedding. I have never felt that I could express EXACTLY how I hope to see things. But I am using this as an opportunity to learn better!

I am in the process of designing a "do's and don'ts" pages as well as an inspiration sheet of things I love and would like to see as decoration for the ceremony. Luckily my maid-of-honor has a book from the she is letting me borrow so I am using that as reference too!

I am working on that today as well as the finalization of the guest list so I can get all of that together (I also need to calculate how many women I have invited so they can get invitations to the shower).

Tomorrow I plan on finishing working on the registries (Wal-Mart and World Market), work on the wedding website and finish making a list of questions to ask at the church/reception hall this upcoming Wednesday.

I have to admit Mama2 has been SO helpful and supportive (the support and love is what I need the most), with her ideas, talents and quick-whit for stressful situations. I really love that woman!

One last thing concerning today, the singers who are going to lead the congregation in a worship wedding song and also helping with the decor came in to the store I work at today. It is ALWAYS a treat to see them, Mrs. P is so sweet and so kind, I just love to see her. So that was something that brightened up my work day today (better then yesterday, at least, lol).


Now, for that 8.24.12 recap. It was filled with both good moments and bad moments. I'll start with the bad and end with the do so, I will start with the afternoon and work backwards to that morning.

I'm not saying too much about things...let me just say someone invited to the wedding came in VERY upset and overbearing at my work place, frustrated about wedding details. It threw me off so bad I couldn't even focus on my work for the rest of the day. Matt was so upset he was going to call that person and politely tell them they acted very offensively, very immaturely and if they felt as harshly about circumstances as they professed, then don't show up at all. His mom agreed to that...even ALL of my co-workers were shocked at the spectacle that took place. Every one of them felt pain for me, which is a big deal in my opinion.

I think the two things that upset me the most is 1. I was humiliated in my working environment. 2. I did not say everything I REALLY wanted to get off my chest in that moment.

But there is one thing God has been doing when those type of hard circumstances come up. He has been teaching me to go to Him when I'm hurt, to cry it out and focus on His goodness. AND to take charge of situations when they occur in the moment no matter what the consequence and not be left to ponder on them hours after it is over.

What a lot of people don't understand when it comes to weddings is that the bride (this one, at least) is under enough stress. I've been dealing with my own family and wedding preparations; I need people to rejoice with me and be as helpful as possible, not cut me down, treat it as a burden and make this harder for me.

So with that said, I am keeping the issue in the past and moving forward. But I know this much for sure, if things continue to escalate downhill and I continue to have trouble, I will request they remain absent on that day.

Now it is time to get to the juicy bit of information that I am just so positively excited about!!!


After weeks of filling out forms, averaging our salary (you have to have a combined income of 3X's your rent to even be considered) and praying with our fingers crossed, we finally got word back from the realtor at 9:00am 8.24.12 that we have a guaranteed place to live after the wedding.

We were so excited!! Man, it's so hard for my pee-wee brain to comprehend that these dreams, so unattainable less then a few months ago, are finally coming true!

A little place all our own. <3

It's an adorable one-bedroom apartment on the second floor (something I've dreamt about since I was little). I can't believe it, it's too good to be true. It is conveniently located close to both of our works, next to a hair cutting place, grocery store, clothing store, Wal-Greens, Donut shop...I can't get over how amazing God is--how Awesome!!!

I love this feeling! Having banged on closed doors for what seems like an eternity, God has finally swung open those gates of favor and we are just rolling in blessings and favor.

The transition is scheduled to take place in October; I will live there first and then on December 12th, approximately 11:00pm, Matthew will move in and we will begin our lives together as husband and wife.

Wow. I'm speechless with gratitude to the Lord for everything he has been doing.

And with that, I am going to leave you with this song I have been listening to non-stop since yesterday. It has been ministering to my spirit and explaining exactly how I've been feeling about this wedding. He is just awesome! My daddy is awesome and truly loves me!!

Oh and last thing; this is one of the songs we will have on CD for the guests to listen to while they pour in to the church before the ceremony starts. I want the anointing and presence and love of the Lord to cover the alter and every single pew in that church. I believe this song will help in bathing the atmosphere and glorify Him with all the glory He deserves. May this wedding be a representation of His love, His desire for His bride, His awesomeness!!!

To thine own self, be true,


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